Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Summertime 2024

School is starting so for the most part, our summer is coming to an end. 

We were busy but we did some amazingly FUN things! 

We went to crumbl and rated the weekly cookies. 

I had dinner with these fabulous ladies

We spent long hours and days in the pool

Some of us (not me!!) went boating and tubing!

Dinner with Uncle Nate

Hung with friends 


Splashes with my girls!

We saw this awesome movie with our sisters

Ava Kate found out she healed so well she could ditch the boot! 
We didn't really throw it away. This was just for photo purposes.

Celebrated mine and John's birthdays and Addy's Gotcha Day!

More pool days...

Visited the best Detox Center in the land!


Visited our friends

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