Friday, October 29, 2010

What Do You Get...

When you have a 2 year old with no nap and likes to defy her parents and parents who are so exhausted all they want to do it keep her from screaming?

Last night I was so worried that John wouldn't make it back with dinner before Ava fell asleep. Again, she called my bluff! Not only did she stay awake in time to eat french fries...

She refused to go to bed! She screamed so loud everytime John tried to get her to settle down. She was literally falling asleep while standing up. We were completely cracking up at her. I'm not too proud to admit this, but we left her to sleep on the floor. The hotel walls are so thin (John heard her screaming when he got back with food from the elevator) and we were afraid of complaints. So this is how our girl slept last night.

We have definitely made some progress! She is holding our hands now and waves and says bye bye! She still definitely favors John while we are in the hotel, but when we are gone she is a mama's girl! I think she likes to play on the bus and I can get her laughing pretty hard! I am so in love with that little girl!

We come home in a week! Woohoo!! We're so excited! And now we're off to Guangzhou!
Talk to you soon!

Love you all!
John, Sara, and Ava

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