Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hawaii - Day 3 and 4 {Maui}

Good Morning, Maui!!

Days 3 & 4 were spent in Maui. 
Day 3, we did the excursion Road to Hana. This was an all day excursion. 
We were picked up at the port and headed to Hana. 
This was a definitely an adventure! 
We had many stops along the way, which was appreciated (and used for vomiting). 
We enjoyed swimming, gorgeous views, and banana bread! 

One of our stops was a black sand beach. 
Our guide shared to not turn our back on the waves. I did not listen. 
I was pummeled by those Hawaiian waves! 
The girls had an absolute blast!

This was a must have for car sickness, which really affected Ava. But I truly believe we all were feeling it by the end of the day!

Stop for Coconut Ice Cream, it was amazing!

Rainbow trees!

And then we made it to Hana. Which was incredibly underwhelming. 
We were out of the town in about 21 seconds and heading back to Maui!

But a very cool detour on the way back to see the turtles at the beach! 
It was so very cool and I facetimed my mom and Tracy to show them! 
This was probably one of our very favorite highlights of the trip!

Back to the ship for showers and dinner! 

Day 2 in Maui! Also known as John's birthday and the day Sara almost died.
We woke up to breakfast and Bloody Mary's. 
I passed because I was driving! We rented a car to head to the North part of the island for a day of shopping and beach fun! 

We had lunch at Leilani's and it was so yummy! 
We also bought some swag for our sweet niece because you don't see this name very often.

John's Birthday dessert...So yum and the hot fudge was perfection. So we ordered more!

Then we headed to the beach. I did not listen AGAIN. 
These waves did me in. If John wouldn't have been next to me, I would have drifted off to sea never to be seen again. 
I lost my sunglasses, my Aloha Beaches hat and my pride. 
Needless to say, I never went back in the water again on this trip. 

Back to the car (by way of Haagan Daz) so we could head back to the ship!

On the way back, some of us had to use the restroom really bad, so we dropped off part of the group so they could enjoy the "sharks teeth"

Dinner and birthday celebrations! 

And ice cream...always ice cream.

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7th Grade Volleyball 2024