Monday, June 16, 2014

Walmart - Nanning

Since Ava has woken me up at 3am for the third day in a row, I decided I would do a bonus post. Yes, this deserves it's own post. 

Yesterday before we got Addy, our guide took us to Walmart to stock up on water and different things. We were there for about an hour and half and it was about an hour and 15 minutes too long. The amount of people who stare at us is becoming too much. I was standing by the escalator and looked up and there were 3 people taking pictures of me. I have just started waving to everyone who stares or is taking a picture. I know we are American and the fact we are in their country is almost unheard of. But my word, stop staring. Please. Until then, I wave. 

Anyhow, we got to Walmart and picked up some water, pop, and the special candy that Addy likes. We picked some candy of our own, too. Thank goodness for label recognition. Haha! That candy for Addy ended up being a life saver. 

Well, Walmart's in China are not like Walmart's back home. They are multiple floors, tons of product, very little clothes. We spent quite a bit of time in the food department. And by we, I mean the rest of my family. For those of you who know me, I have a very, very weak stomach. And some of this was just too much for me. I walked back to see how much longer and I literally started gagging. The smell….Blech. 

We saw lots of weird fruit, only grown in Southern China, and meat. And a pigs face. Seriously. Look at the picture. Ok, must stop talking about this. 

We got what we needed and went to Pizza Hut for lunch. It was YUMMY! Of course, we are sticking with the basics on everything. But still awesome! 

Now check out these pictures….

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