Saturday, June 14, 2014


Sorry for the delay in posting. We are really struggling with the time change. We laid down to take a little siesta and ended up sleeping for 5 hours! John and I didn't have a hard time acclimating last time. But round 2, whew….snooze. 

Ava had us in complete laughter last night. She decided she wanted to wear Nana's clothes to bed. Absolutely hilarious!!

This morning we got up and John and Ava headed to work out.
After that we headed to breakfast. It actually isn't too shabby. Yep, I said it! After that I headed to the concierge to make some arrangements and Ava made a friend in the lobby. John made them paper airplanes and they had a ball. No, she didn't speak a lick of English. How sweet is that???
After that we headed to WalMart. Haha! Yes, seriously. Nana forgot her swimsuit and we were trying to find one. No luck, but whew that was an experience. We didn't last too long, it was pretty smelly and my mom went to go to the bathroom and turned around and walked right back out. She said "I don't have to go that bad".
Afterwards, we headed to YuYuan Gardens. It was about 3 minutes in that we realized we had been there before!! And snapped this picture. Remember a similar picture to this one???
I wish I could do a side by side. 

We did a little shopping and while I was looking at things for the Christmas tree, John was talking to someone in a back alley looking for Rolex's. And Ava was right there in the middle of all of it.
Such a proud moment. And Ava even walked away with one. Haha!

After a few purchases and a stop at Starbucks, we jumped in another taxi and headed to The Bund. We walked around for a bit and soaked it all in. That's right, baby girl, this is your city!!!!

We stopped for lunch after that. I really did have every intention of trying a traditional restaurant. I really did. But then I looked at the menu and I just couldn't do it. So we opted for this instead. 

We headed back to the hotel and walked to a KFC. And everyone was happy. Even I had chicken. We came back to the room with an intention of a little nap. Here we are 5 hours later. It felt good though! 

Tomorrow we fly to Nanning. In Ava's words "two more naps to Addy Grace!" 

Love you all!


  1. Pic of Ava looking at skyline? Be still my heart. You are doing a million times better in the "soaking it up/enjoying" dept, Sar!!

  2. Sara, I was just reading a few days of your blog. First of all, I am so excited for you guys! Are you getting Addy Grace from Nanning? That is where we got Isla!
