Friday, June 20, 2014

Travel to Guangzhou

We made it to Guangzhou! It's hot and stormy!!! We just got back from dinner at Lucy's and as soon as I sat down to type this, the clouds opened and the torrential downpour started. 

What we thought would be a quick and easy flight today turned into a long day of travel. Our guide picked us up at 10am for our 12:15 flight. We had a little issue as check out for the hotel because they were trying to tell us we took a Samsung charger. We are all Apple family. He helped us with that out and luckily, he walked in with us to check in for the flight. Because they had us (ALL 5!) sitting in separate seats all over the plane. Not only our 5 year old, but our 3 year old that we have had for 5 days??? Are you kidding me? It literally took an hour for them to work it out. Our guide was wonderful! I'm not sure what his exact words were, but I could sense the tone. Haha! We ended up with 2 seats, 2 seats, and 1 seat. John with Addy, I with Ava, and Nana by herself. We got to our gate to find out the flight was delayed an hour. No problem, we had starving kids so we were able to get them a little snack. Once we were all seated and backed away from the gate, they came over and announced that we were not taking off for another 45 minutes. Of course, Ava had a zillion questions for me. I went to check on John and Addy and she was passed out. Lucky Daddy. She slept the entire flight! And since we have horrible storms (loud thunder!!!) the flight was bumpy, especially the landing. The normal 30 minute car ride took about an hour and 10 minutes. Because the flight delay put us right in rush hour traffic on a Friday. Haha! I feel like I'm whiny with this post so I'll share some super cute pics of my girls. 

Addy is doing better every day. She is still super attached to John and is coming around to me more and more. But still melted down when I took her to the bathroom at the airport. Her and Ava are still working out their dynamics. We'll get there. Addy is a hitter, so we are trying to work through that. 

Tomorrow morning is medical exam. Pray for us! Ha!! 

The Ho's


  1. We will save some cake for the girls...well, maybe just some ice cream.

  2. These pictures melt my heart! I am sure these two sister will be the best of buddies!!! So glad you are sharing all these steps along the way!!!
