Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Guangxi Science and Technology Center

Have I mentioned how hot it is in China? Our sweet guide keeps offering for us to do things in air conditioning but there air conditioning is nothing like ours. Our room will not go any lower the 23 degrees Celcius. John looked up the conversion last night and it's 75 degrees! Now for some people (Kelly), this isn't horrible. But for my literally hot husband, he's dying. He asked to take a chill day to stay by the pool. Which should go over well considering Addy hates the water. More on that later. 

Yesterday morning, after she slept 10 1/2 hours, we headed to breakfast. Looks like the sleep agreed with her. She was in a great mood!
After breakfast, we headed to the Science and Technology Center. It's a scaled down version of Imagination Station. The girls loved it! There was a talking robot and we watched a short movie that was displayed across the ceiling. Addy didn't go for that because the narrator had a loud voice. So John took her out.

We went out to lunch to a traditional Chinese restaurant. Meaning, no forks. And guess who can eat with chopsticks like a boss??? Ava Kate! Hannah showed her the proper way and she went to town and cleaned her plate. I was totally impressed. I can't lie.

We came back to the room for a nap and John and Ava were going to go swimming. Well, that was about the time that a thunderstorm rolled in. So, we all took naps. We got up and played for a bit and ordered in dinner. You have to love hotel living when you are allowing your 3 year old to eat spaghetti in bed.
We decided to take the girls down to swim -
Yea, that didn't last long. Addy had a COW! So John and Ava stayed down there and I brought her back up to the room. She was actually really good allowing me to do that. Never cried once. Yea! Progress!!! She had a fun session of building blocked with Nana. Tomorrow we fly to Guangzhou. One week down, one week to go! 

The Ho's!

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