Monday, June 16, 2014

Hey, Addy! We Gotcha!

Well, Addy has been with us for about 2 hours. And the first hour was nothing short of traumatizing for the little girl. It may have been worse than Ava's. Because the girl was whacking on us!! She was ticked!! Ha! 

We got to the adoption center and walked in and past a doorway. And saw this…

We melted. Truly melted. 

The rest didn't go so well. She didn't calm down until we left. Just like Ava. 

We brought her back and showed her around the room and showed her the potty. We sat her down to show her how it works and she started to pee! Score!! 

Right now Ava and Addy are playing on the floor. 

And I'm going back to soak it all in. 
More later! 
The Houghtaling's, Party of Four


  1. I am soooooo happy for you!! Addy is just precious! I bet having Ava with you will help her transition. Congratulations and best of luck with the bonding!

  2. Whooo hoooo! Congratulations and big hugs to all!

  3. Hope all continues to go well, thinking of you! She is adorable!

  4. SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

  5. Over the moon happy for your family of FOUR!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!
