Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mooncakes, Dryers, and Dinner in bed

Another awesome weekend in the Houghtaling books. This past weekend was the Harvest Moon, so we dipped in a little celebration. The primary "treat" is Mooncakes. Have you ever had one? Yea, well....I knew that 5 year olds wouldn't eat them. So, we went with moon pies, instead. I took in a book for her class to read and moon pies were a big hit!!
Of course, as football time rolled around, a big storm made it's self known. We decided to chill at home instead of sitting in pouring rain all night. Well, we have The X Factor recorded in the we decided to have dinner in bed. Ava thought that was the coolest!!
Saturday morning we headed to Dumplings where the kids made moon cakes. There was lots of flour, lots of dough, and lots of giggles!!

Apparently, it's pretty in depth work...Haha!  

After Dumplings we headed to get a part of Ava's Halloween costume. I have some ideas and of course I needed to get started. She has decided this year she wants to be the scary witch from Wizard of Oz. Wish me luck!! Ava also had a soccer game scheduled but we got a message after Dumplings that it was cancelled due to muddy fields. To which Ava responded "Can't we just jump in muddy puddles?" Haha! Peppa reference. Since we had no soccer, we called Nana and had a last minute lunch at Bob Evans.
We went home and relaxed for a bit until Daddy got home. We loaded up and headed to Perrysburg with Miss Kelly Neighbor. She needed a new dryer and I thought Ava would be bored. Nope, she figured out how to entertain herself.
And I explained about 1,000 times it was ok to do this at the store but NEVER at home!! Haha!! We had to move some stuff around in the car to make room for the new dryer and Ava found her umbrella. Too bad it was raining in the car.
Today was housework catch up. Laundry, switching out dressers with warm clothes, and working on her costume. But I think a trip to Mel O Creme is in our future,. Only a couple more weeks....

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