Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, Friday, Friday!!!

Let's stick a fork in this work week? Shall we? And only one confession today. Because it's big!!

1. I confess that I am wife of the year. Yes, sorry, my friends. It's true. Not only did my husband spend last weekend rooting for the Buckeyes in our state capital, but he also spent this week in Vermont visiting Ashley.
What wife booked the latest flight possible on Thursday so he could spend as much time with Ashley as possible? Me.
What wife monitored his flights because of the, count them, 7 delays between two flights? Me.
What wife prevented him from missing his connecting flight because I was monitoring it and the US Air agent told him he already missed it? Me.
What wife picked him up at Detroit airport at 2am? Me
What wife went to bed at 3:45 and still came to work on Friday? Me

I told you. Don't you think that calls for a massage or something???

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