Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Weekend!!

I feel like I had such a busy week but looking back through pictures, it doesn't seem like it. So, instead of boring you with my daily routine, I'll share my secrets.

1. Are you sitting down? According to my husband, this is a crime. I have never seen Footloose. There I said it. So, we decided on Sunday afternoon to sit down and watch the 80's flick. It was ok. I don't feel like it was life changing. But the dance party at our house during credits was enough to make my whole weekend!!

2. I confess I'm addicted to lip gloss. My absolute favorite, especially for this season, is Philosophy's Candy Corn. And I'm out. And I'm on a budget. So I don't want to spend the $10 for said lip gloss. So if anyone is looking for a gift to buy me....

Getting her nails cut by Miss Kelly - because Mommy hurts me....
3. Now that we are on a super tight budget, I decided to see if I could lower my cable bill. I haven't emotionally come to terms yet of eliminating it completely, but baby steps. So, I called Time Warner. After explaining what I was looking for and sitting on hold for 17 minutes, this is what they came back with. More channels than we have now, HBO, and free wi-fi. For the same price we pay now. I told them that wasn't what I was looking for so he credited my bill for next month for the inconveniece and thanked me for my business. Still trying to figure that call out. But at least I don't have to pay a cable bill next month.

Liv's soccer game

4. We had a major fight, meltdown, tantrum, whatever you want to call it. It involved a certain 5 year old and a certain 50 yr old. I was ready to send them both to their respective rooms for a time out. Unfortunately, I could only do that to one of them. And the subject of World War III? Poptarts.

Have a great weekend!!!

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