Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend in iPhone Pics

I hung up the camera this weekend and captured our memories with my iPhone. It was a girls weekend (whoo, whoo) as John was working nights. We kicked off Friday night with dinner at Bravo with my friend, Shane and Curious George. It was so yummy! Ava, George and I split spaghetti and meatballs. Ava wanted 5 meatballs because she is 5. We got 2. I tried to discuss the importance to Ava of not double dipping the bread and oil. She didn't get it. She didn't care. Sorry, Shane.
After dinner, we went to Build A Bear. Again. Ava got a gift card for her birthday and I got a rewards club voucher. So, meet the newest member of the collection. His name is Shane. Hmmm....Weird that she picked that name since we were with Shane!!!

After Build A Bear, Shane bid farewell as he didn't want to go to the Disney store, too. We went to the store and I could find Ava anywhere. I only could find Buzz Lightyear.

A few more stops and we were home and passed out in bed. We woke up Saturday and decided to head to the Maumee Street Fair. It was lots of fun, even hot! Yes, we were hot!! What a difference. Anyhow, Ava was digging all of the new friends she made.
And she saw it. It was inevitable. $10 dollars and an hour wait later....
Saturday night Daddy went to work and we headed to Swanton for a graduation party. We were there for a little while and then I got a text from Gavin's mom about movie night at the Big Dipper. I had forgotten and we haven't seen the Grigson's in so long. So, we packed up from the party and headed to Genoa.

It was the last one on the season, so I'm glad we made it there. We'll miss this but look forward to enjoying it next summer. Sunday brought Jada's party and the new addition to the neighbor's, Emily. She turned 18 so we we able to join in her festivities, as well!

We had a super busy, yet fun weekend!! Hope your was great, too!

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