Friday, August 23, 2013

Confessional Friday - Interview Style

We have hired so many positions this summer that I have done no less than 100 interviews. Easily. So, I decided that based upon my actual experiences I would do a post on interview do's and don'ts.

1. If you are expecting a phone call about a potential job, please choose your ring back wisely on your phone. "I Had A Bad Day" doesn't exactly scream I'm a positive individual, hire me!!!

2. Again, if you are expecting a call about a potential job, please make sure your voice mail has room for messages. If your voicemail on your cell phone is full, how well will you manage work voicemail and email?

3. Do not come to an interview with your entire head of hair soaked. Not damp. Soaked. And then when the agency provides you with that feedback, respond with "Well, if my interview was in the afternoon, my hair would have been dry". It's called a hair dryer. Check them out!

4. Do not start the conversation with "Well, this isn't on my resume". Honey, if it isn't on your resume', then don't talk about it.

5. With that being said, please update your resume' before your interview. Do not come into an interview and telling me about your last two jobs that are not on your resume'.

6. Do not spill personal information. I'm sorry about the death in your family, and your husband losing your job, but I cannot choose you for a job because I feel bad for you.

7. Do not say "I can work any hours cuz I ain't got no kids"

8. Please dress professionally. I have listed below attire that is not appropriate:
  • Low cut shirts that your chest tattoo is hanging out. I have 2 tattoo's that I'm sure you do not know about so I don't need to know about yours. Plus it draws attention to that area and my male colleagues are super uncomfortable. (Although, this was super funny when it happened! Red cheeks for sure!!)
  • Bathing suit cover up and flip flops
  • Heels that you cannot walk in
  • Short skirts with no underwear. That's right I don't want to see that!
  • Earrings that touch your shoulders
9. Please do not dress super professionally for your interview and then on your first come in looking like you rolled out of bed. To the point I didn't know it was you in the lobby and walk right past you.

I'm hope these don't make me sound too mean, but some of this stuff is just common sense. I seriously would love to coach some of these people!!!

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. that's the kind of job i need I would look at those people and just shake my head. but get a great laugh for a while to come
