Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Guest Post -- Ava's Daddy!!!

Ava's daddy asked me if he could do a blog post. Sure thing!! Go for it! he is...

John aka Ava's Daddy!!!

Since mommy and Ava have a girls night when daddy is at work, Ava and daddy had daddy daughter day when momma was at work today. We went for an early swim. This girl is a complete fish and spends more time under the water than on top!

 After the morning swim we met mommy at the mall for lunch and then we went to see the movie Planes at the theatre. It was ok, but we really wanted to see Despicable Me 2 but mommy said no way without  her. Of course Ava picked up on this and kept telling her we went to see it to get a rise out of her.
 On the way home we decided to stop and see Aunt Kay at Stop n Stor. Ava hit pay dirt when Jordyn was there also. Aunt Kay took everyone for a ride on the golf cart. What fun!!! We saw Grandma and Aunt Tammy also and Jacey, who demanded not to be included in this picture!
 Aunt Tammy gave Ava a new soccer shirt. Ava loved it and had to wear it when we got home even though we told her it had to be washed first! She is such a soccer girl!
 In the evening Ava got some visitors. Jada and Riley came over to swim, Ava was completely STOKED!!!
 Little Sammy Smithers also made an appearance and Sara wasted no time in smootching him up!!!

 Oh, the kids also brought there mommies along with them. They came bearing Ernesto's. I helped them smash on some bean dip and salsa.
 Little Sammy had his first swim in our  pool and loved it! Not a surprise according to his momma as he loves bath time. This was a little cooler than bath water and after about a half hour is was time to get out as he was starting to shiver a little bit.

I asked Ava if she had fun today and she says "I had fun with my friends!" Why is it daddies get no respect? lol!

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