Friday, August 30, 2013

Are you sure it's Friday??

I keep looking at the calendar to be sure I'm on the right day! We are sooo busy for a Friday of a holiday weekend. This is usually a quiet day...Whew...

Want to hear my latest and greatest? If not, turn back now...:)

1. The other night Ava got ticked off at me. She tells me I am a mean mom. It does bother me a little, but I know the kid needs boundaries, right? So...she decided to runaway. I can't remember the details but she packed a bag and never went anywhere. Guess she changed her mind. :) Well, I decided to unpack her bag and here is a picture of the contents. This kid cracks me up.
2. I confess that sometimes blogging at work may not be the most productive. That last post before the soccer post? Whew...sorry for my bad grammar and spelling errors!

3. This past week was the Pretty Little Liars finale. world. Wow!!! But how incredibly ticked was I from the spoiler text message from a friend while I was recording it for after Ava went to bed? Standing in line at Mel O Creme and BAM! "Can you believe blah, blah, blah?"  Sorry, JBV...if you are reading this! I still love ya!!!

4. We all know I love the Kardashian's. And I'm so sad about the latest Khloe and Lamar stories. They are my favs and seem to really love each other! I hope they make it through this. I know most of you don't care, but they are so GLAM!

5. And last but not least...I may be a tad impatient waiting on referral. There I said it. I'm trying not to think about it. But it's like this little thing in the back of my head. Allthetime.

I hope you have a great, long weekend planned!! We have some fun stuff on our agenda!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fall Soccer!!

We decided to sign Ava up for Genoa's Fall Soccer league. There are more practices, closer to home, and she'll play with kids that she will be in school with next year. Tonight was her first practice. She settled in quite nicely...

I'm so excited Lyla is on her team (she's in the pink shorts)! Although, she keeps asking me her name referring to her as "Ella's friend".

Wanna Play????

Play dates, play dates, and play dates!! This is what our week has consisted of! I can't complain though....I get to hang out with the awesome mommy's so it makes everything worth it.

Monday started with an all day date with Aunt Emily. Ava stayed home with Daddy so they picked up Emily and they hung out all day. Swimming, movies, popcorn, games, ice cream....Sounds like a pretty good day to me! I came home and made dinner (Oven Taco's...YUM!!!) and then we watched a movie. It was called Monica and David. It's a documentary about two Down syndrome individuals who meet, fall in love, and get married. So awesome!!

Tuesday night after dinner, we headed over to Gavin's house. They just moved closer to us so they are just a couple of minutes away. Gavin's mommy is due to give birth like any minute. So I wanted to drop off a gift to them. I was going to wait until after but I couldn't. I got Gavin and baby matching brothers shirts and they were so cute!!! Ava totally loves hanging with Gavin and taking in all the boys toys.

Wednesday brought our weekly dinner with Riley and Jada. We were unsure of the weather and it was smoking hot so we decided to go to Ernesto's and suck up their air conditioning instead of sitting outside at our house. We were their for a couple of hours and the girls were their silly little selfs.

Tonight is the Ava's first fall soccer practice. She has told me about a million times to make sure her soccer shirt is clean.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Football and Shopping!

Friday night kicked off football season! It was just the scrimmage, but of course we went! This week is the first official game. We are ready for Comet Football!!!
Ava and I did nothing on Saturday. We didn't even get dressed. We caught up in a JLo movie marathon on Oxygen all day. Haha! But the ended well for all! Nana picked up Ava for a sleepover and Mommy and Daddy headed out to date night. Adult conversation, adult restaurant, adult drinks, and even an adult movie. It was so nice!
On Sunday I headed out to pick up Ava for Nana's with the dreaded task of shopping for Ava on the agenda. You see, my sweet daughter is obsessed with boy clothes. It's all she wants to wear. Now most of the time I don't mind. But we talked before we headed out. I told her we were going to be shopping in the girls section but she could pick out anything she wanted. She seemed to agree but the trip was a nightmare. She hated everything. We did compromise on some things. Lots of blues, khakis, and very little pink or purple. Haha! She is super cute but not a fun shopping partner! She was pretty worn out by the time we got to the last store. So she propped her head up on a bag of diapers (not ours, a gift!!!) and zonked out.

Looking forward to next weekend! Daddy is heading to Columbus for the weekend for the OSU game so it will be a girls weekend! Still trying to decide what to do. :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Ava's Five Year Well Check

Yesterdays was Ava's 5 year well check! She passed everything with flying colors!! My heart was so full during the eye exam as they pointed out the pictures and would come to the flag and my girl would yell "Miracle Flag!" Haha!!

They check everything...hearing, eyes, blood pressure, urine, she got a poke in the finger, and 1 shot. She was not a happy camper about that.

She weighs 42.8 and is in the 67% percentatile for weight. 

She is 43 inches and is in the 56% percentile for height

Her BMI is 16.3 (lucky girl).
She wears size 5 clothes, still some 4's and wears an 11 shoe.

Isn't this picture pathetic?

In a nutshell and what we already knew....she's perfect.

Confessional Friday - Interview Style

We have hired so many positions this summer that I have done no less than 100 interviews. Easily. So, I decided that based upon my actual experiences I would do a post on interview do's and don'ts.

1. If you are expecting a phone call about a potential job, please choose your ring back wisely on your phone. "I Had A Bad Day" doesn't exactly scream I'm a positive individual, hire me!!!

2. Again, if you are expecting a call about a potential job, please make sure your voice mail has room for messages. If your voicemail on your cell phone is full, how well will you manage work voicemail and email?

3. Do not come to an interview with your entire head of hair soaked. Not damp. Soaked. And then when the agency provides you with that feedback, respond with "Well, if my interview was in the afternoon, my hair would have been dry". It's called a hair dryer. Check them out!

4. Do not start the conversation with "Well, this isn't on my resume". Honey, if it isn't on your resume', then don't talk about it.

5. With that being said, please update your resume' before your interview. Do not come into an interview and telling me about your last two jobs that are not on your resume'.

6. Do not spill personal information. I'm sorry about the death in your family, and your husband losing your job, but I cannot choose you for a job because I feel bad for you.

7. Do not say "I can work any hours cuz I ain't got no kids"

8. Please dress professionally. I have listed below attire that is not appropriate:
  • Low cut shirts that your chest tattoo is hanging out. I have 2 tattoo's that I'm sure you do not know about so I don't need to know about yours. Plus it draws attention to that area and my male colleagues are super uncomfortable. (Although, this was super funny when it happened! Red cheeks for sure!!)
  • Bathing suit cover up and flip flops
  • Heels that you cannot walk in
  • Short skirts with no underwear. That's right I don't want to see that!
  • Earrings that touch your shoulders
9. Please do not dress super professionally for your interview and then on your first come in looking like you rolled out of bed. To the point I didn't know it was you in the lobby and walk right past you.

I'm hope these don't make me sound too mean, but some of this stuff is just common sense. I seriously would love to coach some of these people!!!

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Guest Post -- Ava's Daddy!!!

Ava's daddy asked me if he could do a blog post. Sure thing!! Go for it! he is...

John aka Ava's Daddy!!!

Since mommy and Ava have a girls night when daddy is at work, Ava and daddy had daddy daughter day when momma was at work today. We went for an early swim. This girl is a complete fish and spends more time under the water than on top!

 After the morning swim we met mommy at the mall for lunch and then we went to see the movie Planes at the theatre. It was ok, but we really wanted to see Despicable Me 2 but mommy said no way without  her. Of course Ava picked up on this and kept telling her we went to see it to get a rise out of her.
 On the way home we decided to stop and see Aunt Kay at Stop n Stor. Ava hit pay dirt when Jordyn was there also. Aunt Kay took everyone for a ride on the golf cart. What fun!!! We saw Grandma and Aunt Tammy also and Jacey, who demanded not to be included in this picture!
 Aunt Tammy gave Ava a new soccer shirt. Ava loved it and had to wear it when we got home even though we told her it had to be washed first! She is such a soccer girl!
 In the evening Ava got some visitors. Jada and Riley came over to swim, Ava was completely STOKED!!!
 Little Sammy Smithers also made an appearance and Sara wasted no time in smootching him up!!!

 Oh, the kids also brought there mommies along with them. They came bearing Ernesto's. I helped them smash on some bean dip and salsa.
 Little Sammy had his first swim in our  pool and loved it! Not a surprise according to his momma as he loves bath time. This was a little cooler than bath water and after about a half hour is was time to get out as he was starting to shiver a little bit.

I asked Ava if she had fun today and she says "I had fun with my friends!" Why is it daddies get no respect? lol!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend in iPhone Pics

I hung up the camera this weekend and captured our memories with my iPhone. It was a girls weekend (whoo, whoo) as John was working nights. We kicked off Friday night with dinner at Bravo with my friend, Shane and Curious George. It was so yummy! Ava, George and I split spaghetti and meatballs. Ava wanted 5 meatballs because she is 5. We got 2. I tried to discuss the importance to Ava of not double dipping the bread and oil. She didn't get it. She didn't care. Sorry, Shane.
After dinner, we went to Build A Bear. Again. Ava got a gift card for her birthday and I got a rewards club voucher. So, meet the newest member of the collection. His name is Shane. Hmmm....Weird that she picked that name since we were with Shane!!!

After Build A Bear, Shane bid farewell as he didn't want to go to the Disney store, too. We went to the store and I could find Ava anywhere. I only could find Buzz Lightyear.

A few more stops and we were home and passed out in bed. We woke up Saturday and decided to head to the Maumee Street Fair. It was lots of fun, even hot! Yes, we were hot!! What a difference. Anyhow, Ava was digging all of the new friends she made.
And she saw it. It was inevitable. $10 dollars and an hour wait later....
Saturday night Daddy went to work and we headed to Swanton for a graduation party. We were there for a little while and then I got a text from Gavin's mom about movie night at the Big Dipper. I had forgotten and we haven't seen the Grigson's in so long. So, we packed up from the party and headed to Genoa.

It was the last one on the season, so I'm glad we made it there. We'll miss this but look forward to enjoying it next summer. Sunday brought Jada's party and the new addition to the neighbor's, Emily. She turned 18 so we we able to join in her festivities, as well!

We had a super busy, yet fun weekend!! Hope your was great, too!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Jada's Birthday!!!

Today we had Jada's 4th birthday party! It was a Monster's Inc. theme. Jada's mama made the girls all matching outfits. There were piles of tulle everywhere! Haha! These girls were out of the world adorable!!

Thanks for inviting us, Jada! We had an absolute blast! We hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Cedar Point!!!

We were invited by Jada's mommy to join their family at Cedar Point. We decided to just do a evening after work. It's cheaper to get in and you can do all the kids things in an evening. I left work early on Tuesday and we were at Cedar Point by 5. Ava loves it! She was able to ride some of the smaller adult rides (with an adult, hmmm, Daddy) and all of the kids rides. She was pissed that I wouldn't let her ride the Power Tower. She asked to ride the Dragster. Ugh...I'm glad she has no fear but it freaks me out!!!
It was a beautiful night, temperature wise, and hardly crowded.

Her face is priceless in these pictures! She loved it!! Jada and Ava finished the night literally dancing out of the Point. There was music and holograms and they were busting a move like no one's business!!

What a great time!!!

Varsity Basketball Cheer