Sunday, January 20, 2013

Uncle Nate

This is a difficult post for me to write. But I'll start out on a happy note....

On Friday, Uncle Nate celebrated five year sobriety anniversary!! Five amazing years that he has chose this way of life and has done awesome things! And continuing to do so! God Bless Him!!! We celebrated with a family dinner at Jed's. Ava and Uncle Nate did their usual bantering back and forth, but in the end the LOVE is always there.

Now on to the difficult part. My phone rang about 3:30 on Friday afternoon. The caller ID showed it was my brother. I picked it up with a "Hi, Roomie!" And he said "Do you have a sec?" Heart stops. That's not the usual response.

The next five minutes left me sad beyond sad, bawling, and completely heartbroken. He got a job offer. An amazing opportunity. He can't believe they called him. He'd be a fool to not take it. Making more in one week than he makes in a month. It's in Stuart, Florida. Florida. Back to Florida. How can he not take it? It's the field he wants, making the money he wants, but it's more than a thousand miles away from us. While I'm so extremely over the moon proud of him, I'm going to MISS him more than I can even put into words. I LOVE having him here. I feel like my best friend is leaving me. I stopped crying sometime Saturday with little flare ups here and there. I've apologized 100 times to him promising that I'll get to a good place. But right now I'm too selfish. I have 4 more days with him before he makes the big move back. And I'm going to SUCK up every second I can with him!!!

Love you brother!! Come back to visit soon!!


  1. :-( We are so proud of him, but are going to miss him so much... I know Nick has been so happy having Nate back home and they have been spending a lot of time together... It's going to be hard to see him go, but he is doing great things with his life! Hang in there Sara!

  2. Thanks, Adrianne! It's getting easier, but he hasn't left yet...


First Cheer Competition - {Norwalk HS}