Saturday, January 12, 2013


About 7-8 years ago, I showed this new girl at work around. Gave her a tour, helped her get her badge and showed her the ropes. For the next few years, we were just aquaintances, saying Hi if we passed in the hall and such. She got a new job within the company and moved out of our department for awhile. She came back as a team leader and I started working with her more. We realized we had quite a bit in common and came to share a major common bond. Infertility. She and her husband were identical stories to John and I, just about 4-5 years later. She had many ups and downs and suffered some extremely hard losses. While this was truly tragic for them, it made us closer. I became her confidant. We have spent many hours and many more tears over stories and coffee and even wine and beer. I love this girl so much.

Her name is Courtney. Here is her blog. She is beautiful, her husband is awesome, and yesterday she gave birth to Piper Tova Wagner. I can't express in words how happy I am, how proud I am, and how I cannot wait to spend these next years watching Courtney and Chad be amazing parents!

Yesterday, I got to meet Piper. She is BEAUTIFUL. She has Courtney's nose and just kept yawning. She had a big day!!! Making a grand debut into the world is hard work!!

Congratulations, my dear friend! I love you, Court!

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