Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ok, 2013... can take a rest now.

- Tracy, my mom's friend, lost her mom on Wednesday. Her mother lived in Columbus and had been ill for some time. She will be laid to rest on Monday. Please keep Tracy and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

- On Friday, I got a call at work that my dad fell at work and possibly broke his arm. My dad, brother, and sister all have OI aka Brittle Bone disease. They have all had numerous broken bones. So, this wasn't too shocking to me and I didn't rush to his side at first. Well, after about a half hour, I got the call that it was really bad and they were transporting him to MCO. So, then I RUSHED to the hospital. Long story short, it is the worst break I have ever seen. He broke the bone above his elbow clean through and then that bone split into another bone and the entire thing is shattered. Not to mention it is also a compound fracture, meaning his bone popped through his skin at his elbow. Ugh...poor guy. They admitted him into the hospital with surgery scheduled for Monday. They want to be sure there is no infection due to the open wound and also had to order a part. Yes, order a part. He is having some issues with his nerves because basically the upper is completely disconnected from the lower part of his arm. His arm is laying flat but he feels like it's hanging up in the air. I feel so bad for him. We went up to visit him a few times and he is in decent spirits. Still cracking jokes and all! Of course, he is worried about his golf game. Which I honestly cannot blame him. I think this is going to be a long recovery for him. Please keep him in your prayers.

And sorry there are no pictures on this post. I tried to upload some iphone pics, but it wouldn't give me the option. Anyone else having issues??

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