Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Amish Country

John and I spent this past weekend on a much needed weekend away. Ava went to Nana's, and we headed to Holmes County, Ohio. We stayed at the Berlin Grande Hotel. It was super nice and we had a great time! We shopped, ate, slept, watched movies, went to the winery and cheese factory, and had a blast! Friday night we watched two movies back to back and got pizza. Neither one of us wanted to get up and go anywhere and it was nice to relax!

 Bored while I shopped
 Wine tree at the winery
 Sampling cheese
 And of the hundreds of different cheese varieties, this was offered? Super bummed. I can get this at Kroger!
We decided that we are going to try and do this every couple of months. As much as I missed my girl, I can't wait to see where the next trip takes us!

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