Saturday, January 12, 2013

Back to Reality (iphone pics)

This past week was our first real week since the middle of December. I had to work 5 whole days!! Can you believe it?? :)

We went back to cheerleading and gymnastics and we have swim lessons this morning.
My dad went back to his house yesterday so he would be home for the weekend. Depending how he does, he may be back next week. Between Nate, John and I there will always be someone here to take care of him. He is still in a pretty good amount of pain and the bruising (that we can see) is unreal!!

Ava had a super hard time around Christmas with sleeping. She was afraid of elves and the grinch, so she was petrified to go to bed. We relented and let her sleep with us around that time (with consulting the Dr.). Well, we're still working on it. Poor girl (poor Mama).

Another thing that has been brought to my attention is the lack of Ava's clothing in most pictures. This kid loves to be naked! Is it normal? We've had many of conversations on how she is a big girl and big girls always wear clothes because they don't want to show people their buttons. :)

Well, that's our life in nutshell lately. Nothing super exciting going on. Just being the Houghtaling's!!

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