Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ava Meets Piper!!

Since we are all healthy (knock on wood), Ava, my mom, and I headed to Courtney's so Ava could meet Piper. She is so beautiful and had on the super cutest pair of leggings!! I can't wait for many more play dates!!

Amish Country

John and I spent this past weekend on a much needed weekend away. Ava went to Nana's, and we headed to Holmes County, Ohio. We stayed at the Berlin Grande Hotel. It was super nice and we had a great time! We shopped, ate, slept, watched movies, went to the winery and cheese factory, and had a blast! Friday night we watched two movies back to back and got pizza. Neither one of us wanted to get up and go anywhere and it was nice to relax!

 Bored while I shopped
 Wine tree at the winery
 Sampling cheese
 And of the hundreds of different cheese varieties, this was offered? Super bummed. I can get this at Kroger!
We decided that we are going to try and do this every couple of months. As much as I missed my girl, I can't wait to see where the next trip takes us!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Soon!

Uncle Nate has moved back to Florida. It's official. There were laughs, tears, and more laughs and tears! We sent Nate on his way with a family party on Thursday night. And then a farewell breakfast the next morning. He did make it on Saturday afternoon. He called today to let me know it's 78 in Delray and not a cloud in the sky. Boo!! He starts his new job tomorrow morning. Well wishes his way, please!!

Thanks to everyone who has called and and texted me throughout. I know I was being super selfish, but I'm just gonna miss him so much! My best friend has moved to Florida.

Here are some pictures for Nate's farewell! Thanks to everyone who came out to send him off!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Go To Bed, Ava

As repeated by me 100 times per night. Not only is she sleeping in our bed, she refuses to sleep without one of us in bed (primarily me). If she goes to bed with John, she is still awake when I go to bed. Anywhoodle....

The other night she goes to bed with John. I'm up watching my shows (can you believe Private Practice is ending?), it's about 10:30. I hear a noise. A rustle. And immediately know it's Ava. I ignored it. I wanted to see what she was going to do. It's quiet for a few mins and then another rustle. And then all of a sudden I see five little fingers reaching up between the loveseat and the end table wiggling! I'm trying not to laugh. This kid is too much. The fingers disappear and I decide to get the camera ready so I can capture the fingers. And instead...I captured this. It's dark, look hard. Is she not the cutest thing??

I was laughing so hard! I couldn't even be mad. I gave up and decided to go to bed with her. Guess how quickly she fell asleep. Seconds.


There are a couple of things over the last few days that I just had to share...This kid...

Today, I picked her up from school and it's about 100 below zero out (slight exaggeration). I put on her coat, hat, and gloves. I zipped up my coat put on gloves. Walked into the cold and Ava says "Its's not cold, I'm hot". And this is why she never leaves clothes on. As soon as we were in the car she stripped on her shoes and socks. Crazy!!

And I know y'all are probably so sick of me complaining about her sleep. If you are, stop now. :)

The other day at the library we borrowed the DVD "Franklin Is Afraid of the Dark". Look, I'm grasping at straws here...
I'm thinking there is going to be a great lesson and Franklin's parents will walk him through being afraid, blah blah blah. You get it...
Franklin is a turtle.
He sleeps in his shell.
On his bedroom FLOOR.
NOT in his bed.
And guess what 4 yr old sassypants was quick to point this out to me??

Hello, square one...how have you been??

Little Miss Sassypants

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kids World Classic 2013

Today Ava had another cheerleading competition. She did the same as before! Got a little lost...she does so well at practice but I think it's sensory overload when she takes the floor. 

Ever wondered what it would look like to see 100 cheerleaders doing the Cupid Shuffle? Look no more...I captured the moment for you!!

 Little Miss Sassy Pants!!
 Ava and Hannah
 Ava and Ella
 And while this is a super adorable picture with our mascot (who looks like a giant sperm!), I look at this and think "there's another couple weeks in our bed...)
One more basketball game, one more competition (Cheer for a Cure!...stay tuned), cheerleading is wrapping up!!!

Coffee and Dancin'

Saturday night we were invited by Nana and Jojo to go and enjoy some coffee and music. A friend of Jojo's was playing at a coffee shop up in Michigan. We all ordered our drinks (chocolate milk for Ava Kate and decaf for Mama).

It didn't take too long for Ava to start her dancin' moves!! She spent a majority of the time dancing and even got to have a little harmonica time...

After the coffee shop, we headed to Pete's Garage for dinner. It's a very cool place. The booths are cars!! Ava didn't stop there...After we had dinner and we were all chatting, she brought out the dance moves again!!

This girl went hard until midnight!! Party animal!!

Varsity Basketball Cheer