Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bath Time

First of all, sorry about all the spaces in the last post. Not sure what didn't look like that on my end.

The other night we stopped over to my mom's house. Gabby had rolled in something outside and was kind of stinky. So, my mom decided to give her a bath in the sink.

She wasn't a huge fan...look at those poor puppy eyes...:(

Of course, someone was super jealous that Gabby was receiving this attention from Nana. And basically stripped down and demanded a tubby in the sink, too!

She loved it! She was a little big, but it was so funny!!

1 comment:

  1. take down these photos of your child in a sink. it is on the public internet for anyone to download and see. you posted photos of a child in your care, naked in a sink bath. please delete them


President's Day Fun!