Monday, July 18, 2011

Nana Weekend!!

The last few days have FLOWN by!! Our fun weekend started on Thursday with a pool party with our FCC friends. I'll have more on that later...I don't have the pictures uploaded yet! :)

On Friday afternoon, Mama and Daddy took off to Harrison, MI to camp with some friends for the weekend. This is actually the first time we have left her for this long. I missed my little girl so much. But...I read a book and a half, took naps, slept in, and listened to music in the car instead of Elmo!! It was bittersweet. While I enjoyed these things, I would have rathered had my little girl playing with my hair, pinching my nose, yelling "mama" 100 times in 5 minutes. ANYDAY.

But she had a great time with Nana!! Aunt Emily, Aunt Tammy, and Nana took her to Rolling Hills Park in Michigan to a waterpark. They stayed in a hotel and swam all day! Here are some pics I stole from Nana's facebook.

We came home early yesterday because we couldn't wait to see her!! She smiled when she saw us, but still wanted to stay with Nana. I can't say I blame her...they had ice cream for lunch!! We had a birthday party yesterday at Hero's. More on that later, too. We were all so tired last night, we were bed while it was still light out!

But we have to gear up this week! It's the big birthday week! My girl turns 3 on Thursday!! We have lots planned including a BIG Elmo party and a vistit from Uncle Nate!! Stay tuned!!


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President's Day Fun!