Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!


The only way to describe it. We have had the best weekend!! Ava had the best weekend. So much so, that she was sound asleep by 7pm tonight.

I love sharing these holidays with her. I still can't believe that we get to share this with her. I just love to look at her. And take in all the excitement she is experiencing!!

My weekend started on Friday at 12pm. I went and got Ava from school and we went out for milkshakes. I went to Put In Bay with some friends and I wanted to spend some time with her before we went. Although, she had a great time with daddy!! He took her swimming, out for ice cream, and then to Nana's. And she even got to go skinny dipping at Nana's!!

Here are some pictures from Put In Bay:

Saturday, all 3 of us floated in the pool all day. It was so relaxing!! I love have nothing to do. We decided to get dressed on Saturday evening and go up to the Woodville carnival. We had corn dogs, fried cheese, and french fries. Ava was in her glory! Haha!! After we had eaten, we took Ava on some rides. She wasn't into them as much as I though she would. She was good as long as one of us was with her. She rode the train with daddy, and the merry go round with mama, and the train again by herself. I was hesitant to let her go by herself, but she did soooo good! Just sat there like a good little girl and holding on. So proud!

Pictures from the carnival:

Sunday...oh, yea. We floated in the pool ALL DAY again...Ahhh....

Sunday night we went to a party at my friend Courtney's house. It was so fun! She lives out in Sylvania, so we watched the fireworks at Centennial Terrace from her front yard. Courtney went all out for the kids! She is going to make one amazing mama someday!! Ava adored her and her dog. Oh, Courtney has 2 dogs. A small black dog and a white boxer. Guess which one Ava loved? Yep, the big boxer!! His name was Tyson and and that's she talked about. Calling him, petting him, and loving on him!! She was scared to death of the little black dog! Some things I'll never understand.

Ava and Tyson...bad picture of Tyson...

Ava and Courtney

They played baseball

Enjoyed popsicles

Caught lightning bugs

Played with glow sticks

And enjoyed fireworks with daddy!!

And after the fireworks, mama had a slight panic attack. My fearless daughter and husband decided to play with sparklers. She did great, but I was a nervous wreck!! She loved it, too!

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!!



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