Sunday, April 3, 2011


That seems to be the theme of our weekend...Not necessarily in a good sense though. :) Friday night, John went to Medina for the night so Ava and I went shopping with my cousin Lisa. We ran out to Franklin Park mall. Ava, of course, got new clothes and I got eye makeup remover from Sephora. I'm officially allowed to wear eye makeup again, so I needed something gentle for my eyes. Saturday morning, we were heading to Medina to meet up with John and had made previous arrangements with our social worker to meet up with her to conclude our post placement "homestudy". She lives over that way and since we usually head that way at least once a month, we combined the two. We met at a McDonalds with a play land in North Ridgeville. Ava was excellent! So absolutely adorable! Whew...thanks, baby!! However, as I was exiting the ramp from the turnpike, I passed a cop. And he pulled out behind me, turned his lights on, and pulled me over...whoops! Apparently, I was going 51 in a 35. Well, I was slowing down and coming off the turnpike. I didn't know the speed limit. So he said to me "if you tell me you weren't wearing your seatbelt when you passed me, I will give you a seatbelt violation". I just stared at him. And then he said "IF you tell you weren't wearing your seatbelt when you passed me, I will give you a seatbelt violation. Which is a FRACTION of the cost of a speeding ticket." And then I caught I said "I wasn't wearing a seatbelt" which was plainly buckeled in sight. So I got a seatbelt ticket and a warning for speeding. Not sure how much that will be, I have to call tomorrow. John was a little bummed at me, but I got the worst of it...I didn't get to Marshall's in Medina since I have to pay the ticket, I needed to save my money!! I still got new clothes and so did Ava. But not by choice. We got to his mom's house and Ava was acting pretty fussy. I figured she needed a nap, so I snuggled her all up on my lap. And within 2 minutes, she vomited ALL OVER me and her! She had a pretty big breakfast and a combination of the car ride, I think it just caught up with her. She was perfectly fine after that. There was no way we could wear the same clothes. We were covered!! John wouldn't even let us move until her got most of it cleaned up since it was so much. So, I stripped her down to a diaper and I cleaned up myself the best I could and headed to Walmart. And I was stinky! Ick!! But all was well after the fact...

She even felt well enough to play with Daddy!

Saturday night, my little girl transitioned to a toddler bed...sniff, sniff...

Here is the finished product

As you know we have been having some major issues with Ava and her sleeping. We even consulted a Dr. and have made some changes. She slept until 7:45 on Saturday and 7:30 on Sunday. There were a couple of wakeups during the night, but she wasn't up for the day at 4!! We even bought her new Elmo bedding to go with her new bed

Here is Daddy working his magic! She seems to enjoy it!

Just had to share this one...Her lastest thing is submerging herself in the bathtub so her hair moves around. So funny!!

Today, we had a bridal shower for my sweet friend Sara. Not only does she have a SUPER cool name spelled the right way, she is a great friend! Love her to pieces!! Ava got all dressed up and had the best time!!

She played games...

And loved the cake!

Her is the OC group with brides to be! So excited for them!!

My mom and Em came along, too! Here is myself and my sweet sister!

Hope you had a great weekend!!



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