Wednesday, April 13, 2011


As you know we have been having many issues with Ava and sleeping. John was on nights all weekend and I got close to no sleep. She is waking up anytime between midnight and 4-5 am. Usually we can get her back to sleep, but sometimes it takes hours. She wants to crawl in bed with us, but we are strong about not wanting to start that habit. So, here is our current setup... We blew up the air mattress and are going to take turns sleeping in there until this passes. We both think she is having bad dreams. She wakes up crying and sometimes is yelling "No!". It breaks my heart and we'll ride it out. Last night was the first night we tried this and everyone got sleep. Yea!! What cracks me up is that she understands night night and loves to play it. And I walked into our room the other night and found this on our floor. She put her baby to bed with her pillow, blanket, CD player, and slumber buddy. The music was playing and her baby was all snuggied up. Please pray for us that these good night sleep's continue for us! We had another beautiful day in NW Ohio. We took advantage and went for a walk around the neighborhood and then took Ava over to the neighbors to play. They have a swingset and a trampoline which she tried for the first time tonight and loved it!!

After play time, we came back for tubby time. This is my favorite Ava here! All fresh, clean, smelling good! Love to snuggle on her!!

Watching Elmo and loving her bed time snack!

Hope all is well!


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