Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mini Me

First, I have to share these pictures! Here is a picture of Ava in China the day after we got her. We were waiting in the lobby for our guide to pick us up. But see the coat? It's huge on her and literally falling off. We we found the coat the other night. Look how tight it is on her!! Haha!! I definitely have to watch every move I make around here. Ava copies EVERYTHING I do. It's so sweet!! Whether it's doing hair, applying makeup, using eyedrops...she watches my every move. I love to dip food. Whether it's in ranch, sour cream, salad dressing, I always dip my food. The other night we got Subway for dinner. We got Ava a tuna sub which we always do. She immediately opened the sandwich up, grabbed her chips, and dipped them in the tuna! We were cracking up!!

And then this warmed my heart and made me feel so good!! Its amazing what children retain. And how the things you do today will affect what they become. This was true to form for me so much yesterday.

It was a normal day and Ava was doing dishes while Elmo was in his highchair

Elmo was hungry, so she pulled him out and gave him a bottle

But I'm still not sure on the details, but apparently he did something bad and had to go to time out...

After a minute or so, Ava went back over to the chair and knelt down next to Elmo and explained to him why he was in time out.

And then she picked him up, took him over to her chair, and SHOWED SOME LOVE!!

Bless her little heart.

Last night was a big deal for our family. Ava had her first overnight stay at Nana's. This was a trial run for me because my mom is keeping her overnight in May so we can go to Columbus for the night to see Bon Jovi. I only cried minimal tears (kind of) and Ava did great!! My mom sent me pictures of her all night and this morning. She is going to bring her home after church today. I can't wait until she gets here!!!

And it was confirmed by my mom...Ava is a horrible sleeper!! She said she honestly thinks we should get it checked out. She said she was so restless. And constantly toss and turns. And now she has started to grind her teeth....Ugh! I'll talk to the Dr. more about her issues and she if she has any suggestions. But let's just say...I got 8 hours of uniterrupted sleep. And laid in bed for another hour...Can we say refreshed?? Thanks, Mom!!

Hope you are having a great weekend! We have a birthday party today!!


PS -- Sorry about the format on my blog...Not sure why this is happening all of a sudden. I haven't changed anything. Not sure how to correct it???

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