Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Is In The Air, Part 2

My mom and I both gave up pop for Lent. It was actually really hard for me! I don't drink caffeine, so I was really limited on what I could drink. It was mostly just milk and water. But I did it!!! And at midnight on April 24th, we cracked open a bottle of Caffeine Free Diet Coke. Ahhh....

And the only reason we were still up is because we were playing euchre with my aunt and her friend. That was ALOT of fun!!

Saturday night, John had a poker party at our house. Uncle George and Cousin Will came up early and Ava had a blast playing with Will!

Ava woke up about 6:30 Easter morning. She ran into the living room like normal and then stopped dead in her tracks. It was sooo funny!! Here she is checking out her loot. I want to apologize ahead of time for the way I look. I don't wake up pretty!!

We got ready for church afterwards. Here is Ava's pretty Easter dress, even though it's not the one I originally planned. But she refused it and wanted to wear this one. Already fighting me on clothes and she's only 2!!!

And it took about 20 minutes and a promise of alot of treats to talk her out of wearing these with her dress!!

After church, we had my family over for dinner. We had a houseful and it was sooo much fun!!!
Ava wanted to eat with Mo Mo (aka Morgan)

Not sure why but Ava put Livi in time out. What did you do, Liv??

After dinner, we had an Easter egg hunt for the girls. It only took about 20 seconds, but it was sooo cute!

Loving her chocolate!!

We had a great first Easter with Ava! And now the countdown begins for her first trip to Florida and the beach!! Stay tuned!!



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