It's Easter Time!! And the our first Easter of a family of 3! We've been busy and haven't even gotten to Easter yet!!
But first and foremost....RIP Elmo and Dorothy Houghtaling. We spent a great 5 days together. Ava will surely miss you. (can you believe they didn't even last a week?????)
Friday was Ava's Easter party at school. So, of course I tried to be mother of the year and make her a cool treat. It didn't turn out quite the way I had hoped, but they were still super cute!!!
We started out with coconut "grass"

Made some yummy cupcakes

Had a 2 year old who preferred keeping the cupcake papers on her head

And I am the most uncreative person ever. I always google ideas and sometimes I can't necessarily make things look right. So....I started frosting the cupcakes and I got about 5 of them done and I had to call in reinforcements. So, luckily my sweet neighbor, Kelly came over and finished frosting them for me. Can you tell which ones are hers and which one are mine? Haha!!
I did finish decorating them and here is the final product...
Here is the dress that Ava wore to school for her party. Of course, she wouldn't pose for a picture. But this is the best I could do!

Friday night was the Easter egg coloring party. My mom and Emily came over to join in the fun. All went well until Ava stuck her entire left hand in the blue dye. We soaked it in vinegar afterwards and it got most of it off.

Saturday morning we joined Heather and Ella, Patrick, Katie, and Roz, and Gina and Madi. We went to Country Tree Lane Farms. It was a farm. It smelled and was extremely muddy because of all of the rain we had recently. Ava really enjoyed herself! We went on a hayride, fed baby goats, hunted for Easter eggs, and had breakfast! Ava really LOVED feeding the baby goats. We went back to it 3 times!!!

Stay tuned for Part 2 -- We had an AMAZING Easter!