Sunday, December 19, 2010

Weekend Update

Wow! What a weekend!! It was super busy, but we had so much fun! Ava took some marathon naps this weekend which we appreciated and participated in, as well!

This post is a little out of order, but I wanted to share this first...

On Saturday morning we took Ava to see Santa first thing. We went to Bass Pro and the lines have been awful so we wanted to get there as early as possible. We ended up only having to wait about 15 minutes so it wasn't too bad. She was perfectly fine while waiting in line, but as soon as we walked up the bottom lip jutted out and the tears started to flow. Santa saw this as a potential problem, so he offered to let me sit in the chair and stand next to us. I thought that was super of sweet of St. Nick! Of course, I wasn't at all prepared for a picture but I think it turned out ok. As soon as we were done she started waving at Santa and said "bye-bye". It was so funny!

Let's go back to Friday...
In the afternoon John's sister, Liz and her daughter, Quinn came down to visit Ava. They weren't able to make it for Thanksgiving so this was the first time they got to meet her. Ava loved Quinn! They played together for a long time!

How adorable is this picture?!?! I was trying to Ava to look and then she made this face! So funny!! And I'm glad I captured it!

We were sad that they had to go back home to Adrian that night, but we'll see them again soon!

Friday night, we hosted the annual friends Christmas party. We've been doing it for about the last 4-5 years. We always host it at a different house and this year it was our turn. Usually it's just the adults, but this year for obvious reasons I wanted to have the kids! It ended up being awesome! Seems like they had a good time! Here is a group shot of the kids:

We had a little gift exchange for the kids. It was nice that they all had gifts to open and it gave Ava good practice for Christmas morning!

The adults always have a white elephant gift exchange. This is soooo fun! We always try to get the ugliest, off the wall gifts! And I can't believe some of the things that people bring! We laughed so hard! Here is Sara Sister with her lovely fork and spoon set:

Here is our girls group shot. Love these girls!

Saturday night after Santa, errands, and 3 hour naps for the Houghtaling's, I decided to bake cookies. I had a couple of recipes that John found in the paper and I was craving peanut blossoms. Amy and Evan stopped over, too! Here is John with the kids taste testing:

My mom and Ava unwrapping hershey kisses. Although, Ava ate more than she put in the bowl:

And enjoying her first peanut blossom. But all she cares about is the hershey kisses. She eats them off and then hands us the cookies. Haha!

Sunday, we went to lunch with a friend of mine and her husband and daughter. Of course I forgot my camera. But we had fun! And they brought Ava a sweet gift. We just hung out at home and played the rest of the day and I finished wrapping presents.
I only have 3.5 days of work this week and then I'm off until Jan. 4th! Nate is coming home this week and Carl is coming into town! I can't believe Christmas is here!!
Hope you have a great week!
John, Sara, and Ava

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