Thursday, December 2, 2010

Twilight Bath...

Tonight, for some reason the lights in Ava's bathroom are not working. Not sure why...the breaker wasn't popped...hhhmmm (Mike Feather, are you reading this?) John did check the breaker, but the Cav's game was starting so that's where the attention went.

Anyhow, Ava still needed her bath and we only have a shower in our bathroom. And I was entirely not in the mood to take a shower tonight. So, we propped a flashlight on the counter and Ava took her bath in the dark. She thought it was so funny! You can't really tell by this picture but we were in the dark!

But while Daddy was checking it out, here is what Ava did...
NAKED BABY!!! Isn't that the cutest bum ever???

Have a great one!
John, Sara, and Ava

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