Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tis the Season!!

Let me start by saying that I'm making a change to my blog. Do I still have your attention? Ok, good. The change isn't major, just minor. I'm changing Picture Sunday to Picture MONDAY! I feel like I'm always updating Sunday from our busy weekends so I figured this would work better with the schedule. Sound good?

Saturday morning, Daddy and Ava built a fort in the living room. She LOVED it! She kept going inside and just giggling! It was so stinkin' cute! She kept taking her baby in there to feed her. I actually even enjoyed hanging (hiding) out in there and reading my book.

Saturday afternoon we went to the dinner theatre at Mainstreet Church. We have gone to this the last three years and have always enjoyed it. They ALWAYS put on such an AMAZING show! Olivia Feather was showing off her pipes and sang in the beginning of the show. I didn't take any pictures there, but here is the family picture they took of us before the show. Thanks, Mainstreet Church!

Afterwards our plan was to take Ava to Bass Pro to sit on Santa's lap. But when we got there it was literally a 2.5 hour wait. Too much for this we peaced out and went to Target and got some necessities for around the house. Afterwards, we met up with Aunt Kay and Uncle Mark for dinner. They were keeping Mark's granddaughter, Violet, overnight. Ava and Violet were so cute! But I think we waited too long for the picture. Ava was starting to show the effects of not having a nap all day.

She ended up falling asleep on the way home in the car. When we got home I went to change her into her jammies and asked her if she was ready for night night. She said (in a whiny tone) "Yes". I'm sorry, What? Could you repeat that? I think you said you WANT to go night night? I put her to bed and she whimpered for about a mili-second.
On a side note, this morning was John's morning to get up with her. I'm still fighting the cold and as some of you may know, I have sleeping issues. I have a hard time going to sleep and when I finally do, the smallest thing will wake me (like a husbands snoring or his 50 trips to the bathroom or even a crying toddler) and it takes FOREVER to go back to sleep. Sometimes hours. Anyhow, back to my original story, it was John's morning to get up with Ava. So, Saturday night I took 2 sleeping pills and a dose of cold medicine. It's the first time in eons that I slept through the night with no interruptions. It was AWESOME!! But I was awake before Ava!! That girl slept until 7:30 this morning. Almost 12 hours!! John still got up with her and I laid in bed and finished my book. Thanks, John!!
Today was the Down Syndrome of Toledo's Christmas Party. I was the "hostess with the mostess"! I'm proud to say it was a huge success! The only thing I forgot to get was dessert plates and had to send someone out! But other than that, it was great! Thanks to everyone who braved the weather and joined us!
It was funny because my mom, Emily, and I showed up today in color coordinated outfits. It was completely unplanned, but cute!!

Ava had a great time! She partied hard! This girl loves a good party!! She got to dance with Grandma Shirley!

And sit on Santa's lap! It wasn't a very happy moment in Ava's life. As you can see...But she loved the gift!!

Emily got to visit with Santa, too! I love this kid!!

Emily loves, loves, loves to dance! Almost as much as I love this picture of her!

We realized that Ava likes to bust a move almost as much as Emily. She was showing off some moves today! She imitates everything we do. I was snapping my fingers and then I looked at her and she was tapping her thumb and forefinger together. She is HILARIOUS!! She got to do the YMCA with Daddy!

And with Nana!

Our little party girl was suffering from another day with no nap. Needless to say, she was out pretty quickly after we got in the car. She ended up waking up when we got home and was a little crabby until we fed her. And she went to sleep pretty quickly afterwards.
We hope your weekend was as good as ours!
Have a great week!
John, Sara, and Ava

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