Friday, December 17, 2010


About 6 months ago, I was introduced to a local support group called the FCC aka Familes of Children from China. This is a local group of families who have or are in the process of adopting from China. They have all kinds of fun things for the kids and a monthly mom's night out. Which I have come to realize is much needed! :) I always try to attend the mom's night out and will now be able to keep Ava involved with a touch of her culture with the children events!

Anyhow, these ladies welcomed me with open arms and I have made some truly special friends within this group. Last night was our December night out and we had an ornament exchange. It was an absolute blast! I had an awesome time and I love chatting and talking with people who can relate to the things we are doing and the transition we are going though.

Thanks everyone for the great time and the great friendships!! Love ya!!

Here is the group shot from last night...

Tonight we are hosting our annual friends Christmas party with our white elephant exchange. This is always so much fun with tons of laughter! I'm so excited!

John, Sara, and Ava

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad to have you on board! We look forward to watching Ava grow up with our kids :) Have fun tonight! Heather
