Sunday, January 26, 2020

Grandpa Moves In!

Uncle Nate and I made the decision to move Grandpa. 
He wasn't getting great opportunities to move at the nursing home and thought he could get along better at home. 
So we moved him in!!

We got him a new lift chair!

And the girls are enjoying their new "toys"! 

MLK Day!!

The girls had no school on Monday and John was off. 
He invited Ella and Roz to join the fun. 
Ella had other plans so he picked up Roz and they headed to Toledo Playzone. 
We have never been so I wasn't sure how it would be. 
Apparently, it was pretty cool! 
Laser Tag, bumper cars, snacks and arcade games!
The girls had a blast!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Our Quiet Weekend

Most of our weekend plans were canceled because of the weather so we took advantage of some down time. We kicked off Friday night at Boyd's Candy Store where we made the girls use their own money. Ha!

Then it was dinner with The Dougherty's! 
I made a rule. No electronics. 
It was perfect. No fighting or bickering. Or maybe it was that 2nd margarita I had. 

After dinner, Patrick took the girls to see Aunt Leigh and brought them back to Patrick and Katie's.
Where we let them have about an hour of play!

We woke up to Saturday with NO PLANS. 
And when I say woke up, this is what we woke up too right outside our bedroom door. 

We played in the snow

Made sushi

And had a fun game night and introduced the girls to Old Maid. 
They loved it!

Today Addy had another cheer competition. 
We didn't stay for awards this time because we had some errands to run. 
But their squad took 1st Place!! 
Congrats Comet Inspire!

Addy and Ella

Cheer bow problems

Monday, January 13, 2020


Guess who we broke free for about an hour?
We drove out to Sugar Creek, drove past his house, and went out for about an hour. 
He was so great! 
Next up, maybe dinner at my house. 

Day O' Sports in Comet Nation

Our Saturday was started at The New Year Classic cheer competition with Addy! 
She is so cute and so good!
Her squad, Comet Inspire, placed 2nd! 

This is Luke. He is her BFF from school. 
His older sister was cheering so these kiddos hung out for most of the competition and then I found this selfie on my phone and I just about melted. 

After awards, we were off to basketball for Ava. 
Her team played Rossford and they won 34-12. She had 4 points!

These girls, along with a couple others are going to dominate Comet sports in high school. 
So athletic. 

This girl and I snuggled through most of the game where she told me no less than 25 times that she loved me and I was her favorite girl. Ha!

Addy's 2019/2020 Cheer Photo!

It's picture of a picture, so not great quality. Ha!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Birthday Yoga!

Rozzie had one more birthday celebration and my little sweets were included.
I was so curious to see how this was going to go.
This party included Rozzie's school friends and my girls are a little territorial with Ella and Roz.
But I no worries!! It was fantastic!
The only sad thing was Mama Katie was sick and missed her girls party.
We missed her tremendously.

Erin was the instructor. This was super special because she has been a part of these girls lives since the beginning.

Consensus: Ava-- not a fan of Yoga.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ava's First Basketball Game!

Ava Kate started a basketball league and she had their first game. 
They played Fostoria and won 19-8 and Ava had 7 points! 
She loves it and just like soccer, she is a natural. 
She also "manipulated" her parents in claiming she needed new basketball shoes. 
They, of course, fell for it. :)

Varsity Basketball Cheer