Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Sickies

This past week, that pesky thing called Sickness, found our house. On Monday Ava went to work with my mom. On the way she mentioned her belly hurt, but I chalked it up to nerves since school was starting in a couple of days. After I dropped off Addy and got to work, my mom called that Ava had vomited all over her car. Whoops!!! So I left work and went to pick her up. We went straight home and relaxed.

And while we were relaxing, I received a call from Addy's school. She wasn't vomiting but was sick. So...I got more snuggles. 

Ava kicked hers pretty quick, Addy took a couple of days because she was battling a fever. But that wasn't the end. On Wednesday morning, I got a combination of both girls multiplied by 100! I couldn't tell you last time I was so sick. So I missed a few days of work this week, too. But we are all ok now! Thank goodness! 

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