Sunday, August 30, 2015

Go Genoa!!!

And football season has started! We headed to Genoa campus Friday for the first game. Ava was so excited! They a big deal about it at school so she was really in the spirit! However, you will see no pictures of Ava. Because she sat a few rows up with her friends. Obviously, we aren't good enough for her! Ha!

And I absolutely adore this picture of Addy. In the top 5 for sure!

Unfortunately, Genoa wasn't able to pull off the win. But it's still great to be a Comet!!!

Addy Grace Moves Up!

This past week our FOUR year old was officially moved up to the FOUR year old room. This is always so emotional for me. Especially saying goodbye to Lisa again. Lisa was Ava's teacher when she came home from China and also Addy's teacher when she came home. We love her lots.

Lisa is on the right and Rachel is on the left. I'm so thankful for these fine teachers. 

But...we have moved to the big girl room and she has done awesome! She is really like Miss Kelly and Tom, the guinea pig. Ha!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Friday Night Lights!

I had heard from a friend of a friend that The University of Toledo was having a free movie night for kids at the foot ball field, known as The Glass Bowl. We decided to stop and grab a bite to eat on the way there.

It was so cool! They had bounce houses, games, coloring stations, and the entire football team was there to sign autographs. 

After the fun and games, we settled in to watch the movie. They were showing Wreck it Ralph. 

The girls had a wonderful time! It was great fun!!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ava Kate Goes to First Grade!!!

I blinked and Ava Kate started 1st grade. How does time move so quickly?? Whew...

Monday night was Open House. John was working so I got a sitter for Addy. 
We headed straight to her room and met her teacher, Mrs. Avers. 

We found her desk and picked up her Comet folder. 

We visited the Art Room where the teacher brought out the chop she has from China! Ava and Emmett enjoyed it!

They had free pizza in the cafe' but the line was super long and we needed to get Addy. So we swung through and said hello to our friends.
Ava with Mya and Stella

On Tuesday night we packed her lunch. This year I bought the Yumbox. And we LOVE it!! It helps break up the sandwich, chips, and cookie. This gives us a more balanced lunch and forces me to choose different options. 

We woke up Wednesday as a bundle of nerves! Everyone was told the night before that pictures were at 7:40. Ha! The dealings of an OCD mom. 

This still gets me. 
Class of 2027

Her awesome backpack from The Feathers!

Here comes the bus!!

And because, again, I'm that mom. Off to the school we went to watch her get off the bus! 

We were thrilled to see Sophie in her class again!! 

All ready to go!

After we left I went to work and Addy went to school. But Daddy was off so he went back to the school to have lunch with her!

She came home from school and was super excited! I would say a success first day. We are back to lunches, homework, and stricter schedules. But we're ready! Come on 1st grade, we are ready!!

The Sickies

This past week, that pesky thing called Sickness, found our house. On Monday Ava went to work with my mom. On the way she mentioned her belly hurt, but I chalked it up to nerves since school was starting in a couple of days. After I dropped off Addy and got to work, my mom called that Ava had vomited all over her car. Whoops!!! So I left work and went to pick her up. We went straight home and relaxed.

And while we were relaxing, I received a call from Addy's school. She wasn't vomiting but was sick. So...I got more snuggles. 

Ava kicked hers pretty quick, Addy took a couple of days because she was battling a fever. But that wasn't the end. On Wednesday morning, I got a combination of both girls multiplied by 100! I couldn't tell you last time I was so sick. So I missed a few days of work this week, too. But we are all ok now! Thank goodness! 

Thursday, August 20, 2015


We took in a night with Larry's band and awesome pizza. Ava Kate had an awesome dancing partner in Mama Heather.

We've had some super hot days. So the girls talked me into swimming. I don't get in the pool too often!

Summer staple at The Ho's

George Washington came swimming in the pool

Her dinosaur egg hatched. Did you even notice there was a dinosaur in the picture?

Worm hunting and a new fishing pole from Uncle Mark!

<3 p="">

And we squeezed in a play date with Jade!

My cousin kept Ava for the day. I came home to dinner cooked and laundry done! think you can dance? We were all participating!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Ava Kate's Day of Fun!

Saturday was a full day for Sara's shuttle service. Ava Kate had a jammed packed schedule! First up was a play date with her friend, Landen. They went to camp together and I work with his mom. His mom came up to me one day at work and mentioned that Landen was missing Ava. So we decided to do a play date at SkyZone.

Addy Grace had a great time, too!

After SkyZone we headed home for a bit and then headed to Cooper's birthday party. He was in Ava's Kindergarten class. 

His parents were kind enough to allow me to bring Addy along. 

And immediately following we headed to Jada's party. And I didn't take one picture of Jada. But some cute kids were there!!

We collapsed into bed early that evening from exhaustion. What a fun day!

Varsity Basketball Cheer