Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Days Before Christmas!

It has been a wonderful Christmas break. Ava and my last day of work/school was December 19th and we don't return until the 5th. I'm ready for my schedule again, but I'm going to miss the late nights, sleeping in (9:30 today!) and family naps.

December 19th was pajama day at school. Ava picked her minion pi's and they watched Polar Express at school. 
Yes, that's her under there. She fights me every day about coats and hats. But lately since they are starting to go out for recess, she is asking to dress warmer. Ava, my love, haven't you ever heard? Mama is always right. 

One night we dressed in jammies, made hot chocolate, loaded in the car and drove around to look at Christmas lights. The girls loved drinking out of adult mugs! 

We picked up Uncle Nate from the airport!

We made cookies for Santa!
That turned out horrible! Ha!

And painted our nails in red and green. 

We even got an early present from Kelly. Movies, hot chocolate, new blankets, and popcorn! 

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