Sunday, January 25, 2015

I Have A Dream

Addy was doing so well on Sunday so Ava and I broke away for a few hours and headed to the Art Museum with other FCC families. It was nice to be back in society and the museum was having a special Martin Luther King project. 

I Have A Dream...

to be Paw Patrol. Well, when you're six this is the stuff that matters. 

After some more play that included magic tricks and checking out the Jesus paintings

Ava's mood changed dramatically. Because she found out Ella was going back to Roz's for more playtime. And was so sad. Until Mama Katie told her she could come back and play too! So, Ava hopped in the car and off they went. She was so happy!!

I picked her up a couple hours later and was sent home with yummy tortellini. 
Have I mentioned how awesome our friends are?

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