Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas Eve

We started out Christmas Eve with shopping. Yes, we did. Uncle Nate had to finish up so we went along for the ride. The girls wouldn't take a nap and I knew it was going to be a long night. And, of course, this will come into play. 

We got all dressed in our best clothes and headed to church

Where Addy slept through the entire first portion

We came home and I had made stroganoff in the crock pot. After dinner, Nana and JoJo brought the girls over their gifts. So the girls got to start ripping open presents early!

Ava was already in her jammies. When we came home from church, the girls had a gift from Barry. You know, the elf? He left them a letter telling them he had to go back to the North Pole until next year and left each girl a set of Elf jammies. 

We set out the reindeer food

Set out the ugly cookies for Santa

And called it a night. Shortly after the girls fell asleep (which was surprisingly quick), Santa visited the Houghtaling house.

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