Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas Morning!

Oh, Ava Kate. This is the first year she was truly so into Santa that I had to really watch my back. The packages coming in the mail, the secret wrapping paper, the sneaking out in the middle of the night to wrap. Whew. And it all built up to 4:09am on 12/25/14. Begging. Begging hard. I couldn't do it. I knew she would never go back to sleep. She cried for about 10 minutes and then passed out until 7. Much better. She was so excited!!! And Addy figured out pretty quickly what was going on! Every present she opened she screamed "Oh!" even if it was just a box. We were cracking up! 

Paw Patrol was definitely the theme this year. Both the girls loved it! And their kindles. I'm pretty sure Santa made two little girls pretty happy!

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