Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sledding Fun!!

Ava has been begging us to go sledding. So today, timing and weather worked out so off to Pearson Park we went. This was Addy's first time and she loved it! Until she wiped out and got a face full of snow. I laughed for a minute and then consoled. But it was really cute! 

Little Panda's

What was formerly Dumplings has now been revamped and called Little Pandas. We had our first gathering on Saturday and a great time was had by all. We learned how to say "My name is..." in Chinese and enjoyed some yummy Chinese snacks! We are looking forward to next month! A huge shout out to Katie for all of her hard work! Love you!

Get Well Soon, Sawyer!

Our good friends son, Sawyer, has been having some health issues lately. They have had some pretty scary stuff going on and have been in our constant thoughts and prayers. Sawyer spent a few days in the hospital so we went up on Monday night to visit! They had so much fun roaming the halls in the wagon. But Addy wasn't a fan of Sawyer in the wagon. So getting a picture was almost impossible. 

Our continued thoughts and prayers are with this special family!
We love you!

I Have A Dream

Addy was doing so well on Sunday so Ava and I broke away for a few hours and headed to the Art Museum with other FCC families. It was nice to be back in society and the museum was having a special Martin Luther King project. 

I Have A Dream...

to be Paw Patrol. Well, when you're six this is the stuff that matters. 

After some more play that included magic tricks and checking out the Jesus paintings

Ava's mood changed dramatically. Because she found out Ella was going back to Roz's for more playtime. And was so sad. Until Mama Katie told her she could come back and play too! So, Ava hopped in the car and off they went. She was so happy!!

I picked her up a couple hours later and was sent home with yummy tortellini. 
Have I mentioned how awesome our friends are?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ronald McDonald House

Do you have those people in your life? You know, the ones you couldn't imagine not being in your life? The ones who just know what you need. The ones who are so selfless they will give the world for others. I am blessed. Truly blessed. Because I have multiple of these people in my life. 

Our family was fortunate to stay at the Ronald McDonald house during Addy's surgery. We are outside Toledo city limits so we qualified. We wanted to have a home base close to the hospital since we are about 40 minutes away. We checked in Thursday night since we had to be at the hospital so early. 

About 3pm on Friday, I found out that the special people in my life were at the house. Preparing dinner for the families staying at the house. I was able to snag some of the pictures of the prep. How amazing are our friends???

I cannot lie. It made me cry. ALOT. I was so proud to call these people my friends. And to the others who were able to participate but donated. You all mean the world to us! 

My mom came and relieved John and I so we could go over to eat dinner at the house. Ava was so happy to get some friend time. 

Dinner was amazing but it was back to our girl. John and Ava went back to the house later in the evening to stay for the night. 

And Ava got to play in the basement which is crazy filled with toys and games! 

We are so lucky to have this amazing facility close! And the help they provide to families is unbelievable. Thank you Ronald McDonald House!!!

Pray for Addycakes

Friday, January 16, my sweet girl had her cleft palate repaired. In addition to the palate, she also had tubes put in her ears. We arrived at the hospital at 6am and were immediately taken back to pre-op. I was super nervous but also very excited for the next step in her journey. She wasn't too thrilled when they brought her a pair of pajamas, so she decided she wanted to go home.

But once they brought in the attire and gave her a little sedative, life became grand again. 

She was in surgery for about 3 hours with everything. I was able to walk back with her and stay with her until she was under anesthetic. I'm glad I did, but it's also a memory I won't forget. She woke up a little rough but she is 3 and just had major surgery. We were to be in the hospital for 1-4 days. We were placed into a room and she pretty much just slept for awhile. 

About 5pm, she started to get the little Addy personality back. And needed to get out of the room, so we went for a walk. 
 We were released at 11am the next day. Yep! Less than 24 hours in that room. I stayed with her Friday night and John and Ava stayed at the Ronald McDonald house (more on that later). 

We have been home for 5 days and you would never know she had surgery. She is completely Addy. Except she is on a liquid diet and is loosing a little weight she cannot afford to lose. We have a follow up with the Dr. tomorrow so I'm praying he says we can introduce soft foods. 

Thank you to everyone for your prayers, well wishes, cards, and gifts! We love you all and are super thankful to have you in our life. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

It's Snow Much Fun!

A couple of weeks ago, we got a little dump of snow. It was enough that Ava didn't have school so John kept Addy home, too! And took our little girls out to play.

All bundled up!

For being a south China baby, Addy did pretty well. Until she was done. And then she was DONE. 

I'm glad Daddy doesn't mind taking them out. Because it certainly isn't my thing. Brrr…..

Monday, January 12, 2015

World Dance Party!!

Doesn't it sound like we traveled the world and danced all night? It may have been a little more low 

We got all dressed up and headed to The Valentine 

The Toledo Symphony was playing a variety of music from all over the world and teamed up with local dance companies. But before the big show, we got to experience a violin. The girls loved it!!

We were joined by some of our amazing friends and enjoyed music and dancing. We saw a Chinese dancer, Irish dancers, a tango, amongst others. We had a wonderful time! 

And after? In Ava's words "It's time for chips and salsa"

Girls Day Out!!!

Saturday we were invited to a birthday party. But since we are all still getting over the funk and the family has a new baby, we (I) decided we better keep our distance. Ava was uber disappointed so to make it up to her, we grabbed Jordyn and headed to the mall to play.

We rode the train (which Addy was beside herself with excitement!!!)

Did a little shopping where I got to use my Charming Charlie gift card and played in the play area. We finished the trip with a cookie and a slushy. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Well, 2015...

You are not starting out on a healthy note…

Addy has been battling a bad cough since New Years Eve. She was down for the count for a good six days with the cough, fevers, congestion. There was lots of lying around and lots of snuggles.

Daddy stayed home with the sick girl so Ava and I could bust out of the house on the last day of vacation. We had a nice girls day out. 

Addy is definitely turning the corner and her cough seems to be a smidge better. We have to get her healthy for her surgery! We do not want to have to reschedule. Sending healthy thoughts!!!

In other news…Ava Kate was chosen as the January Student of the Month! We had so much fun working on her poster and she is so proud. Love!

Varsity Basketball Cheer