Thursday, July 11, 2013

VBS Wrap Up

This past week Ava participated in Vacation Bible School at our church. We had some ups and downs. Mostly ups, but a big down. We had to take some candy into the teacher tonight and a big practiced apology from Ava. The kid used every excuse in the book to not go tonight because she didn't want to do it. LOL! It was quite amusing! It was a rough week, getting out of work, picking her up, feeding her, and having her to church by 6. But we did it!! Yea!! After the sessions tonight they had an ice cream social for the families. The lines were so long! I asked Ava "Do you ant to leave and go to Mel O Creme?" And that was a big "NOPE!"

Ava and her awesome teacher this week, Ms. Denise!

And our awesome youth pastor, Ryan! He makes a difference!

And of course, enjoying the ice cream at the end!

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