Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy Birthday, Nick (and Will)!!!!

On Saturday we headed to Westlake to celebrate Nick's 30th birthday. It was also Will's birthday so there was a bash planned! The rain held off for the most part but the humidity was another story. Whew! You would just sweat. Doing nothing. Ava had a blast and made a friend! She came up to me to tell me that her and Connor were best friends and they were playing good. Haha!

Even in the humidity, the guys took advantage of games. There were frisbee's flying everywhere!!

We all got to suck up on some Leilani time! She is seriously the most beautiful baby!

We managed to get some good pictures in before everyone got too rowdy!

While Nick didn't know there was a surprise literally outside waiting for him, he and Ava had a big dance session!

And then it was time for the surprise! Everyone at the party and Daddy and Uncle George boarded the party bus...
Ava was super pissed (yes, she was PISSED) that she couldn't go on the bus. The driver was nice enough to let her take a look though!
I played the responsible adult and stayed back with Ava (and even cleaned up! What a nice aunt I am!) and drove Uncle George and Daddy back to Medina. After a stop through Taco Bell, of course. We stayed at Uncle George's house and I have to share this. He has black garbage bags covering his windows in the bedrooms. It's so dark in there. It's awesome! So, Ava woke up and said "Let's get up" I was still pretty tired and I knew it was morning because I woke up at 7 for the bathroom. She finally talked me into it and guess what time it was???? 9:47!!! She slept that long...Now to get those bags on our windows....

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