Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bath Time

First of all, sorry about all the spaces in the last post. Not sure what didn't look like that on my end.

The other night we stopped over to my mom's house. Gabby had rolled in something outside and was kind of stinky. So, my mom decided to give her a bath in the sink.

She wasn't a huge fan...look at those poor puppy eyes...:(

Of course, someone was super jealous that Gabby was receiving this attention from Nana. And basically stripped down and demanded a tubby in the sink, too!

She loved it! She was a little big, but it was so funny!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Can you guess what Ava's favorite show is??

New Elmo jammies

Chatting with Ernie and Big Bird

This girl loves her some Sesame Street! :)

Meet Gabby!!

You read a couple of weeks ago that my mom had to put her dog, Gracie to sleep. It's been a very emotional couple of weeks. However, my mom decided that the heartache was too much and she needed to fill that void. So...with that being said....

Meet Gabby!!

She is an 8 week old miniature Schnauzer. Isn't she sooooo cute?? And guess who else loves her? And likes to play in her cage? I swear we didn't put her in there!!

Hope you are enjoying your week!!


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ava's 3rd Birthday!!

We celebrated Ava's birthday again on Saturday with family and a some friends! We had an Elmo theme and EVERYTHING was Elmo! I took pictures of the decorations ahead of time and then appointed my sister to take pictures. She really did try her best. But, I don't have pictures of some important things. Bless her heart! She was still so proud!

I wanted the perfect invitation for Ava's party. So, I went to And guess what I found??

These were the treat bags for the kids. Yep, I made them!!!

This is the label I added to them. Inside there were goldfish crackers, Sesame Street juice boxes, Sesame Street coloring book, crayons, and a little game.

We had a pinata...

Massive balloons

Normally, we would have had the party outside. But it stormed all morning and they were calling for more. Not to mention the extreme heat we've been having. So we made an executive decistion and moved it to the garage. We opened the door to the house early in the morning and had fans to cool it down. It wasn't too bad by the party, but it got steamy with everyone inside! Thanks everyone for gutting it out.

Our food. I ordered sandwich wraps from Anderson's. They were sooo yummy! And I made little food tags for everything.

Elmo's Sandwich Wraps

Bert's Potato Salad

Ernie's Macaroni Salad


It was cute!

My favorite part....the dessert table!!!

I was bound and determined to make her birthday cake myself. From start to finish. Let me tell you that I have an aunt who is an awesome baker and very talented. So, I turned to her for advice. She gave me tips, but I did it myself. And I'm not going to lie...I'm SUPER PROUD of how it turned out!!!

Elmo cookies from Haas Bakery

Cupcake's! I did make the topper's too! I saw them on Etsy, but couldn't justify spending the money...

Elmo Cake Pops!!

Here are some pictures from the rest of the party! I've uploaded the rest to Facebook if you want to check them out!!

Thank you for all of your wishes for Ava on her special day!!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21st

July 21, 2010: Shanghai, China

This little girl was an ocean away. In an orphanage and had no idea how much her Mama's heart was aching that we couldn't spend her 2nd birthday with her.

July 21, 2010: Ohio

We ordered a donut cake. We had family members over. And we celebrated the 2nd birthday of our daughter with a framed 8x10 picture. Loving her. Aching for her.

July 21, 2011: Ohio

We're TOGETHER. Does anything else matter anymore???

She picked dinner. We had pizza. :) We had a cookie cake and celebrated with Nana! And it's safe to say...SHE LOVES HER BARBIE SMART CAR!!

The big party is this weekend...I cannot wait!!



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