Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fireplace, DWTS, and A New Sweatshirt!!

"Ava, stay away from the fireplace"

"Ava, the fireplace isn't a toy"
"Ava, GET DOWN from the fireplace"

And mama loses the battle....
So, I have been trying to get Ava to watch a minimal amount of TV. I think it would be good for her English and learning new things. I don't watch her to ALWAYS watch it, but I thought it would be good for her. So, I have tried the Baby Einstein video's, Elmo movies, Sesame Street, and even recorded episodes of Ni Hao, Kai Lan thinking this may really interest her because she may understand some of the words. She won't even look at the TV, has zero interest...until last night. When something came on the TV and she couldn't take her eyes off of it. That's right, she LOVED Dancing With The Stars! I kept trying to get her attention and she wouldn't even move! It was so funny!

Do you like Ava's new sweatshirt? Yesterday, we went to Target and on the way for some odd reason she decided that she needed to throw up in the car all over her coat! She was perfectly fine the rest of the day, so I'm not sure where that came from. But, she has 4 winter coats at home and I didn't want to buy her another one. So, I bought her a fleece sweatshirt and carried her around in a blanket the rest of the time. I actually think she enjoyed it more because she is such a hot little thing. She is constantly sweating!

I think Mama and Ava are going to have a lazy day today.
Have a great one!
John, Sara, and Ava

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