Friday, November 5, 2010

Back In The USA!!

Here is our coming home picture! Don't be jealous of my beauty...but I realized after 23 hours of traveling, you simply don't care with you look like!

We're home! We're home! We're home! Oh, does that make me sound excited??? Because I am!! What an AMAZING welcome we received at the airport! A big thanks to:

My Mom: Thanks for the limo, loving Ava as much as we do, and being at the airport! And for bringing the dishes for her! She loved playing with them!

Aunt Emily: For the limo and coming to the airport! Ava is going to love you so much!!

Aunt Tammy: A. for coming to the airport and B. for the FOOD!! The cookies, the cake, the monkey bread, the meatloaf! And the fruit snacks for Ava. I think we understand now why she didn't eat them at the airport!! LOL!!

Lisa Feather: Thanks for coming to the airport, capturing the pictures, and being my voice in the USA while we were gone!

Ava did great on the flight! She only screamed during landing because she had to sit in her seat. Plus she was super exhausted! But she took 3 good naps on the plane and passed out at 7pm tonight! She had a major meltdown at bedtime because we put her in the pack and play in our room instead of in bed with us. But after 20 mins, she cooled down and is sleeping like a rock!

As for John and I...we both have a touch of a cold which we expected. I managed to get one suitcase unpacked, but our house looks like a tornado hit it. I fell asleep around 7 with Ava and just got up because I couldn't sleep anymore...I need my Facebook time. I missed it!

One more thing. I now know today what it felt like to be a mom. Today, I touched (believe me, not by choice) poop, boogers, and vomit! And I didn't gross out, I just reacted. I realize that's what you do when your child needs you. Even John said he was proud!!


  1. I love you - you're already an awesome mom.

  2. I love the last paragraph and the person above me is right you are already an awesome mom. I was lucky enough to witness it first hand. Enjoy your family.


First Cheer Competition - {Norwalk HS}