First, let me apologize for the delay in blogging. We have been super busy at the Houghtaling house! And then there were the technical difficulties...
Anyhow, you don't care about that. You care about AVA, right??? Well, here is an extra long post with extra pictures so you can get your fix!
Let me start with laundry. Ava loves, loves, loves to do laundry! Whether it's loading the washer, putting clothes in the dryer or folding...she loves it! Every time we are working on laundry, you can guarantee she is right there "helping" us. Although, she likes to take off her socks and put them in the dryer while you are loading the washer. I always have to double check and make sure everything coming out is clean! Here she is helping me fold clothes:

Everything she touches goes into one pile. It doesn't matter if it's Mama's, Daddy's, or Ava's. It's all in one!

Can you tell which one is Ava's?

On Friday we had to go to Toledo Hospital for a hearing test for Ava. Difficulty hearing is one of the setbacks with a cleft lip/palate. Even though Ava only had the cleft lip, the Dr. still wanted to test it. She wasn't 100% cooperative because I was holding her in place and she HATES that! But the part they were concerned about she passed with flying colors. I could have told them she could hear fine. She knows everything we are saying! Anyhow, here are some pictures of her playing in the waiting room. I loved the outfit she had on. It is a hand me down from Amy and Ella. It fits her perfect and she was so adorable!!

I tried for a Mama/Ava shot...Can't get the girl to smile!!

After the hearing test, we went over to Sherri's so that Ava could play with Kaiden, Keegan, and Kayleigh! We took over McDonald's and after lunch the kids played together for a little while. Ava was a little shy, but she'll get there!

Here is Keegan and I. This kid is so funny! He makes me laugh so hard with his little comments and sayings!

Ava loved feeding the baby doll. She didn't want to hold the doll, but loved feeding her. Baby steps...I know she will love dolls!!!

Ava and Keegan are close in age and both are small for their age. We tried to get a picture of them side by side but that was easier said than done. Keegan is only a couple of pounds smaller than Ava. They were super cute together!

Saturday morning, John had to have blood drawn for something at work. They sent someone to our house to do this. Ava was hilarious during this time and totally won over the heart of the nurse. Anyone who knows Ava knows that she loves to play with dishes and silverware. Well, of course the nurse had something that she wanted to play with. Luckily they were brand new and CLEAN! Or I would have freaked. But here is Ava playing with, yep that's right....SPECIMAN CUPS!!

Saturday was spent shopping in the morning and evening and hanging out at Grandma Dunn's while the boys hung the lights and ornaments on the big tree in her front yard. Of course I have no pictures of this. I forgot to get my camera out. But I can assure you most of the time at Grandma's was spent trying to keep her from eating. Everyone was munching all day so she was chasing them around with her mouth open and her tongue hanging out. After Grandma's, we went to Target and got some pretty cute boots for the her! When we got home, Daddy was having a poker party. He was trying to bring her up to speed on how to play. But she was really just interested in playing with the poker chips!

Today was family picture day. It was a little nerve wracking, but Lisa was able to get some good shots. Check them out on my Facebook!
I have one more week home with Ava and then it's back to work. Sniff, Sniff. It's really hard to believe how fast time flies. But, I am very fortunate to work for a company who is allowing me to work from home in the afternoon until the end of the year, if needed.
This coming week is going to be a big week for Ava! She is going to daycare for the first time by herself without Mama by her side. I think I will take it harder than her! And then it's going to be her first Thanksgiving with her forever family. I know our family has so much to be thankful for this year!!!
John, Sara, and Ava