Monday, May 4, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 6

I can't believe I typed Week 6. 
We are even a week behind others because of our vacation. 
It's still going well but we are starting to get antsy. We want to hang with our friends!!! 
And go out to eat. And go to stores. 
The girls haven't been out in weeks. We needed to go to Menards and I was hesitant about taking the girls. I was very uneasy. But the store made the decision for me. No one under the age of 16 is allowed in the store. So the girls and I sat in the car while John shopped. 

I stole this photo from Katie's blog. 
The girls were "virtual" jumping together on the trampoline! 

Walking Nana's dogs!

One of the Phys. Ed. Specials class assignments was an old school game. 
We made a hopscotch in the driveway! 

This was one of my quarantine projects. 
My spice cupboard is now a spice drawer that is all matching and in alphabetical order. 
I'm so happy with how it tuned out! 

Morning snuggles. 

A girl in our town started a new trend. 
It's called being Wine'd. Basically you share your story one Facebook and someone chooses to "Wine" You! 
I was fortunate enough to be "Wine'd" twice and then I "Wine'd" three others! So fun!

I got new shoes! Again!! 
My shoe game will be on point after quarantine. 

Margaritas in our zoo meal this week!! 

 We stole an idea from Heather and Ella for our art class! 

My mom was on me about my hair so I took the time and actually used a blow dryer! Haha!! 

One of Ava's projects this week was a solar oven. 
We finally had some sun that we were able to try it! 
Smores Success!

 Everyday Ava texts Nate to ask him when he is going to bring her sushi. 
He finally delivered. 

There is a post going around with guinea pigs all snuggled together, basically suffocating the Mama Guinea Pig. Therefore, many have shared with me. 
Here is proof that said post is happening at our house. 

Kona Ice visited our neighborhood! 
It was a nice little treat for the girls!

Trips to Toledo result in Starbucks. 

Trips to Toledo also result in finding major success with Orange Shandy IN A BOTTLE!!! 
This is my most favorite and finding it in a bottle is super rare. 
I bought 2-six packs!! 

Another favorite of mine is vacuum lines in the carpet. Even better when they are with a new vacuum!! 

There is another group going around asking for families to Celebrate A Senior. 
This was created for the seniors who final year of school was interrupted by the pandemic. 
We chose a sweet girl in our neighborhood named Kendall. 
She is majoring in Forensic Chemisty at BGSU in the fall. 

We had perfect weather this weekend!! 
On Sunday we were all outside all day! 
Ava asked to wash my, ok! 
Then the neighbor called and asked if she would wash her car for $10. So she did!!

We had a picnic lunch outside! 

I shared this on Facebook:
 This is our funny story from the weekend! For those of you that know Addy, know she LOVES her ipad and we have to constantly remind her to take the time to do other things. Last night we were going to get ice cream. We decided to take John's truck. But Addy missed the whole conversation because her nose was in the ipad. So John, Ava and I sat in John's truck for many minutes because Addy still didn't notice that we were in a different vehicle. We finally honked the horn to get her attention. It's terrible I know but we were laughing so hard!!!

John took Emily for a ride in the Corvette. 
They were gone for hours!

I spent most the day in my swimsuit and reading. 
Loving my fresh lines. 

We finished our day at our first Mel O Creme on the season. 
Cherry Bon Bon for the win!! 

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