Friday, May 15, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 7!

Things are starting to open up. I have a tentative "Return to Office" date. 
We will be working 80% remote and 20% in the office. Which means starting June 3rd, I'm back in the office every Wednesday. The girls have one more week of eLearning and I have to be honest, we are all ready. It's going well, it's working. It's just the end of the year, you know?

Addy had a project this week at school and she needed baby photos. These are the photos I chose. 
Isn't she adorable???

The girls and I played hooky one day and headed to Toledo. 
We stopped for a yummy treat (with a LONG wait) and then headed to share with our friends. 
Everyone has been following the guidelines and we just needed to see each other. 
They may not be 6 ft. apart but we were under the 10 person rule and no one licked each other. 

I got new glasses in the mail and a couple of little girls were excited to try them out. 

Nachos for Cinco de Mayo! 

The Fighter Jets were doing fly overs at the local hospitals so we hung out in the parking lot to check them out. 

Hot tub with the Besties!

Ava made some glasses from a piece of plastic and duct tape. 

The Genoa community lost an icon. Roland had worked at Genoa McDonald's since it opening in the 80's. He passed away unexpectedly last week. McDonalds had this sweet sign. 

 More mowing for Ava Kate! 

Facetime with Grandma!

 Sweet treats from Ignite!

Saturday night card games...

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