Sunday, April 26, 2020

Social Distancing - Week 5

We've finished Week 5 of Social Distancing.
It's funny because our neighbor stopped over and last night and rang the bell. 
I opened the door and she said "Can I come in? I'm so over quarantine". Ha!
We are, too! A little bit. 
I love the quiet at home, how clean my house is, how caught up my laundry is. 
But I miss my social life. 
I miss my friends, family, going to restaurants, shopping for non essentials. 
As soon as I can walk into a Mexican restaurant, I'm ordering 5 quesos and 5 margaritas. 
No judgement. Haha!! 

I had to share this video first. 
It was so funny!! I hope it comes through. 

I was able to Facetime with my Grandma. I haven't physically seen her since 
March 9th. 

As you can see, hair and makeup aren't high on my list these days. 

Addy playing with one of the many boxes that come to our house on a daily basis. 

We were sad on Monday because that was the day we were supposed to be at Disneyland. 
So we wore our ears in honor. 

Lots of this happening!

Ava learned how to mow the lawn. I don't think she will be taking over the job because Daddy is just a little bit picky about his yard. 

Ava took this photo. She's got an eye!

The girls made cards for our friend, Greg!

We've done quite a bit of cooking but there have been some fails. So after dinner McDonalds runs are becoming a saving grace. 

We did a carry out from Chili's and I was very excited for the margaritas! 

We took a nap. While this photo looks precious, I work up to Addy creepy sleeping and Ava had drooled on me. Haha! 

I think the biggest thing that happened this week was my dad fell and broke his hip. 
I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. He fell in the middle of the night while trying to use the restroom. Luckily they were clean breaks and not as traumatic as the knees. 
He is currently in St. Charles Hospital and had surgery. Hopefully tomorrow we will know more on next steps. 
The hospital takes extra precautions for visitors. 

Addy during her class call. 
This is how I feel on every call I take. 

Loving my girl!

This dinner was a half win. 
It was a Greek Chicken with Rice. 
The meal was good but the sauce wasn't great. It was better with hummus. 

Addycakes wrote a sweet note to her friend, Maisie. 
I think we are all feeling this. 

We are hoping Phase 1 of reopening the State begins this week. 
Fingers crossed. 

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